I am not I,
I am multitudes.
the eye you see,
one in a sea
in bodies
beyond me.
I am
a glass poured full,
thirst unquenched
for she who spilled,
is a droplet killed
that is why
I am not I.
There exists an I
no longer mine.
it sailed, it sunk
in regions old
in waters cold
Bold Byzantine
Myself and I
torn asunder
split by the soaring sounds
of pounding rocks
of cascading streams
trapped tumbling down
salt water's fall
trust two shall slow
my ebb your flow
Hear the hum
wailing of whales
the hissing of waves
radio static, I've become
tuned to a dry channel
where once I was
starved of sparks and signs
follow my plunge
in inner conflict
Your head on pillows wet
tucked tight in river's bed
rest assured,
brave sailor lost
the day you died
an I, of mine
buried in your mind
paid Charon's cost
thank you for reading